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Smart PC Professional 5.5
Smart PC Professional 5.5 DC20110201
Smart PC Professional is different from the basic version in a greater variety of opportunities and increased capability. Smart PC performs three main tasks: Fix, Clean and Optimize your PC. Smart PC professional makes significant improvements in the above-mentioned sections.
Here are some key features of "Smart PC Professional":
Fix up your PC!
You can fix your computer by yourself. Use the software to detect, diagnose and repair all types of PC problems. Regular use of the software will keep your computer running smooth and error-free without system failures.
Clean up your PC!
Normal operation of your PC generates lots of junk files some of which contain private information. The software easily detects useless junk and safely removes it reclaiming valuable disk space, ensuring personal privacy and security.
Optimize your PC!
Do you want to make your computer more powerful? The software can drastically quicken Window's startup time and the performance of all applications.
Protect against Identity Theft - Clean up your tracks
Operations you perform with your computer are recorded and may be exposed to unauthorized disclosure without your knowledge. The Ensure Personal Privacy tool helps you to maintain your personal privacy.
Features of Smart PC Professional:
• Fix Your PC: Several options are added, such as control of System Sound Effects and purge of stale history concerning program operation.
• Clean You PC: Smart PC's cleanup tools will help you to clean up autofill information including private information and the data concerning user's actions. Besides, you can view these private items before the purge.
• Optimize Your PC: A unique option was added - Boost Windows that will accelerate the operation of your PC.
The following software tools improved: log and undo, general preferences, schedule. Be a Pro: use Smart PC Professional that will fix all problems professionally.

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